Saturday, November 15, 2008


Troy has wanted a poang chairs from IKEA for ever but they are like $100 dollars and they are comfortable but defiantly not cute enough to spend that much money. Well he received a e-mail saying that they will give the first hundred people in line on Friday morning a free chair and free breakfast. So we went over at 9 Thursday night and camped out. It was actually really fun.
We watched the first 3 seasons of the Office and everyone around us were probably getting really annoyed because we were laughing all night.
I wished we had brought a tent like the people next to us because trying to sleep in a camp chair...not fun!!
The news people came at 4 in the morning and the lady asked me to hold this elephant while she was interviewing us. Cocoa made her self comfortable and fell right asleep.
They ended up interviewing us like 5 times because we were the second people in line. We were so tired and I'm sure looked great for the camera after that long night...!!

1 comment:

v johnson said...

Glad that you guys were troopers you crack me up... And hey at least now you know what to take for your next camp out at Ikea!